Slough Press

When Chuck Taylor and Susan Bright created Slough Press in the 1970s, they wanted to capture the “change of consciousness” happening in the era. As Taylor said, “It was the 70s, but the 60s in spirit.”[1] Bright eventually went on to create Plain View Press, but Taylor is still publishing new titles under Slough—a remarkable feat, given that many small presses fizzle out after a few years of work. Slough is additionally noteworthy for producing work by Chicanx and Latinx writers, and a standout is Christopher Carmona. Here we feature Carmona’s 2010 chapbook My (Mex)quite Beat Refried Revolution published by Slough. Carmona draws inspiration from, but also subverts, the (mostly white) 1950s Beat Movement in this collection of stylish poems that document his Texas Chicano experience.


[1] Cota, Mitch William. Lone Star ImPRESSions: A History of Small Press in Texas. (Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 2017), 4.
